
Brutális képsorok: fényes nappal, kisgyerekekkel együtt rabolták el egy anya autóját


Létrehozva: 2020.10.08.

Brutális képsorok: fényes nappal, kisgyerekekkel együtt rabolták el egy anya autóját

Vérfagyasztó jelenetet rögzített egy térfigyelő kamera múlt szombaton, fényes nappal az angliai Leedsben. Minden anya rémálmát élte át az az asszony, akit két járókelő egyetlen pillanat alatt kirángatott a kocsijából, majd beültek a járműbe, és elhajtottak – nem törődve azzal, hogy a kocsiban ott voltak a nő gyermekei. 

A négy- öt- és hétéves kislányokat a bűnözők pár sarokkal odébb kitették a kocsiból. Szerencsére az ijedtségen kívül nem lett semmi bajuk. Az elrabolt járművet később a tolvajok felgyújtották – azonban ez sem akadályozta meg a rendőröket abban, hogy a nyomukra akadjanak.

MOTHER dragged out of her vehicle by carjackers who sped off with her three young children in the back seat in #LeedsFour people are due to appear in court today charged over an incident in Leeds where a woman was robbed of her car which was driven off with her three children in.The incident happened in #Armley Ridge Road at 9am on Saturday (3/10).Her Ford Kuga was driven away with her daughters, aged four, five and seven, on board. The children were found safe nearby a short time later. The car was found set alight in #Rothwell.As a result of an investigation by officers from Leeds District Crime Team;•Ryan Fraser, aged 26, of Fifth Avenue, Rothwell, has been charged with robbery, kidnap, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance. •Tom Woolams, aged 34, of Sixth Avenue, Rothwell; •Nicole Swaine, aged 22, of Fifth Avenue, Rothwell; •Rachel Barrow, aged 28, of Sixth Avenue, Rothwell, have been charged with arson and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.They are all due to appear at Leeds Magistrates Court shortly. Previously:A mother was dragged out of her vehicle by carjackers who sped off with her three young children in the back seat.The two robbers attacked the woman in broad daylight as she sat in her car on a busy road with her daughters.One jacker forced open the door before pulling the terrified mother out of the black Ford Kuga and dragging her along the pavement by her ankles.The other male jumped into the passenger seat before the first robber leapt into the driver’s side.The frantic woman got to her feet and forced open the driver’s side door before it was slammed shut and the robbers drove away.Shortly afterwards the robbers stopped and left the three girls, aged four, five and seven, on a nearby street, in Leeds, West Yorkshire.The car was found burnt out an hour later.A West Yorkshire Police spokesperson said:"A man has been arrested after a woman was robbed of her car in Leeds."At 9am on Saturday (3/10) police were called to Armley Ridge Road where a woman in her forties had been dragged out the driver’s seat of her black Ford Kuga by a man who drove off in the vehicle along with another man."The woman’s three daughters, aged four, five and seven, had been in the back of the car and were left by the men in nearby Paisley Terrace. They were quickly found safe and well."The car was found set alight outside Rothwell Labour Club, in Fifth Avenue, Rothwell, shortly after 10am."As a result of enquiries by Leeds District Crime Team, a 26-year-old man was arrested this morning on suspicion of robbery. He is currently in custody."🎥 Able to add to this story or another? Send info-pictures-videos anonymously. 👉Like YappApp? So will your friends. Invite them to join. YappApp works because of you and those around you. Get them involved. If you have a talking point, story, video, link to a story or if can you add to an existing story, with an eyewitness account, then please drop us a message, we want to ‘get it right’. If you know more, then simply inbox us, your feedback is valued. Seen something you would like us to check out, get in touch completely anonymously. Your input really does shape the news.With your help, YappApp will continue to deliver eyewitness breaking news - first. With real footage, advert free and completely free of charge. YappApp - Shaping local news together, first. Add yourself 👉 http://bit.ly/Other ways to stay in touch•WhatsApp http://bit.ly/2Uiyh1g (Alerts) •Facebook Messenger http://bit.ly/31kfWlV•Twitter http://bit.ly/2vGKdjf (Updates) •Instagram http://bit.ly/3aYvS1D (Updates)•👻SnapChat http://bit.ly/2TCqoDz (snappy updates)•LinkedIn http://bit.ly/31gjlSJ (Updates) •Email [email protected] YappApp turns you, the public, into reporters. We verify, edit, then share. 👍Always first, always real👍©️ YappApp

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