
Itt egy újabb, és talán a legötletesebb világutazós őrület


Létrehozva: 2017.02.26.

Pár darab fekete kartonpapír és egy olló, ennyire volt szüksége egy londoni fotóművésznek, hogy világhírnévre tegyen szert. Rich McCor népszerűségének az a titka, hogy szinte bármilyen formát képes kivágni egy darab papírból, amiket a világ nevezetességei elé pakolva egy kész remekművet kap.

We’ve docked in Barcelona for the day and if you’ve been paying attention you may have picked up on the fact that quite a few of my cut-outs on this trip have had an aquatic/sea theme as an ode to being on a cruise ship for the past nine days. So here in Barcelona it made sense to do a photo with the Torre Agbar, home to the Barcelona water company. This is the last official stop on my cruise with the Princess team, however they’ve kindly let me stay on board so that I can get off in the Azores (somewhere I’ve always wanted to go), so I’ll be sharing a couple of photos from the islands next #comebacknew #PrincessCruises #PassionPassport #TravelAwesome #igTravel #WanderLust #Travel #Holiday #Vacation #Cruise #CruiseLife #InstaCruise #StreetArtLovers #ForcedPerspective #Funny #TravelStoke #Paper #PaperArt #Art #Silhouette #Penguin #Barcelona #Spain #TorreAgbar

Rich McCor 🇬🇧 (@paperboyo) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Így született meg például a pisai ferde tornyot átölelő katona, de Rich alkotásán a híres touloni szökőkút vize is két fekete csapból folyik.

I’m in Toulon and up the road from here lives Reynald Delille, one of the most interesting wine producers in the world. Many say he produces the best rosé in the world at his vineyard in Domaine de Terrebrune, but he refuses to enter competitions to cement his status. Instead he only wants his wine in the most exclusive of hotels and in the finest wine cellars around the world. However he sells his wine locally at an affordable price so that anyone in the region can try it. So anyone visiting Domaine de Terrebrune can buy one of the finest wines in the world for a great price- almost like you could have it on tap (see how I managed to link the photo to the caption there?) #comebacknew

Rich McCor 🇬🇧 (@paperboyo) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A harmincéves művésznek már 240 ezer követője van az Instagramon, ahová kizárólag a kreálmányait tölti fel, magáról még egyetlen fotót sem közölt.

Have you ever heard of the word naumachia? Until I got to Rome I hadn’t either, but it’s a word the Romans used to describe simulated naval fights - they were like gladiator battles on a bigger and wetter scale. Sometimes special structures were built and other times lakes were used, but there is evidence that the colosseum was once turned into a gladiatorial water world for a naumachia (the more you say that word, the more addictive it becomes). According to the Roman historian Cassius Dio, a sea fight took place in the amphitheatre in 86 AD. Ships, weapons and thousands of men were brought in and since every effort was made to make a naumachia (I bet you’re saying it out loud now) a colossal event, even sea creatures were shipped in from around the globe - hence why I put an octopus inside the colosseum, because y’know when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Time to hop back on board Royal Princess and head up the coast to the port of Livorno to visit Florence. (Head to @princesscruises to see more images) #comebacknew

Rich McCor 🇬🇧 (@paperboyo) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Pisa had been occupied by the Nazis in WWII, but in 1944 the US army was advancing. The tower, or as the US soliders referred to it the “Tiltin’ Hilton”, was suspected of being used by the Nazis as a lookout tower, so Staff Sgt. Leon Weckstein was tasked with scouting the Tower to confirm their suspicions. From a nearby olive grove, he peered through his binoculars looking for signs of life; his order was that if saw movement he would call ‘fire’ down the radio and the tower would be demolished in seconds. But just as he studied the landmark, bombs exploded nearby and Weckstein was ordered to retreat. Had he seen anyone in the tower, the famous landmark may not still be standing today. In an interview with the Guardian in 2000 he was asked if he thought the Germans were in the tower: “You know something? I’ve had 50 years to think about it, and I’m pretty sure they were.” (Head to @princesscruises to see more images) #comebacknew

Rich McCor 🇬🇧 (@paperboyo) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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