
Ledobott 53 kilót a nővér, azonnal feleségül vennénk


Létrehozva: 2017.05.10.

Ledobott 53 kilót a nővér, azonnal feleségül vennénk

Bailey Ryan két évvel ezelőtt kezdett el éjszakai műszakban dolgozni egy minnesotai kórházban - írja a Daily Star. Szakított a szerelmével a 24 éves lány, és már akkor sem volt éppen vékony, de úgy próbálta a lelkét rendbe tenni, hogy elkezdte megenni a világot. A gyorshívójában éttermek tárolt, a barátait elkezdte hanyagolni, és mire beért a kórházba, már lógott a nyelve, annyira kifáradt. “Tudtam, hogy egészségtelen, amit csinálok és nagyon komoly bajom lesz belőle, ha nem fejezem be ezt az életvitelt” - mesélte Ryan.

Men's 3xl sweater to a woman's medium. I used to never think I'd see the day, but here I am. In a medium dress too, no less. Tbh I could have probably been fine in a small sweater, but my mind hasn't gotten there yet and I only brought a medium into the dressing room. I didn't end up buying anything, but damn it feels good to feel good. People ask me all the time why I started. Honestly, at that point it wasn't even about wanting to look better. Of course I DID want to, but I was so heavy it started to take its toll on my quality of life. I started this because I was sweaty and out of breath just walking into work. I was noticing myself going out less, being by myself more. Most people will tell you I'm a rather social people person, so this was making a huge impact on my mental health. I felt so bad about myself, was so tired all of the time and had no energy that it was easier emotionally and physically to seclude myself. I took a look at the patients I work with at work.. A lot of them there due to lifestyle choices. What kind of life am I heading for? What kind of health am I setting myself up for down the road? Not one that I was willing to sign myself up for. So I decided one day. And that was that. I knew it would be hard. I knew I'd have to learn a whole new way of shopping, cooking and eating. I knew I'd have to change a lot of destructive behaviors. But I WANTED to. For myself. And that's the key here. I've said it before, but doing this for anyone else won't get you very far. This has to come from inside you and you have to choose yourself first every single day. Choose yourself over the temptations, over the excuses. Do that and you'll get there.

@paleobailey által megosztott bejegyzés,

Eljött az a pont, amikor úgy döntött, ennek így nem sok értelme van és elkezdte a paleo diétát. Száműzte a feldolgozott élelmiszereket, a tejtermékeket és a gabonaféléket is az étrendjéből. Most 79 kg és olyan jól néz ki, hogy a jó értelemeben nincsenek arra szavak. Sziklát mászik, túrázik, kajakozik és már a félmaratont is le tudja futni. “Volt egy kollégám, aki szülési szabadságról jött vissza. Mikor meglátott, megkérdezte, megmutassa e a kórházat, mert azt gondolta, új vagyok. Előtte három évig együtt dolgoztunk” - mondta Ryan. 

The most frequent question I get asked is how I got started and how I did it. Which is understandable because starting is THEE hardest part of all of this. It takes ALOT to get to the point where you're actually serious about changing your life. If you're like me, you'll think about it, know you should/have to loooong before you actually do. Late March of last year I heard about @whole30 for the first time. I spent a while reading and learning as much about the program and Paleo as I could and then I just jumped in head first and never looked back. I stuck with eating Paleo because I loved how my body and my mind felt. It honestly was like I was living in a new world. I know that sounds crazy but it was. I spent years binging on highly processed foods so I never knew what I could feel like without them. I also stuck with Paleo because I knew this way of eating (no counting, measuring, tracking) would be sustainable. I didn't incorporate exercise into my life for a few months. It was such a huge adjustment to my life with changing how I ate, how I cooked and how I shopped- I wanted to get a handle on that first. Plus I had quit smoking too (thanks @melissa_hartwig) and adding in workouts was going to be too much too fast for me. I know myself well enough to know I would have been totally overwhelmed and I wanted to give myself the best possible chance at making this work. When I did start working out, it was just the elliptical for a long time. I was down 30lbs-ish but still 250. It was HARRRRD. But it got easier. I began running, doing yoga and weight training. I dabbled in swimming laps when my ankles would hurt from running but now I never have joint pain anymore and it's a nonissue. I began training for my half marathon I completed this summer by running and biking upwards of 60 miles a week. I've never felt better, stronger or more healthy in my life. It's a weird feeling, feeling like I spent my whole childhood, teenage years and early adulthood thinking I was happy and okay only to really finally start living and seeing how differently life could have been if I had started taking care of myself sooner. But I'm doing it now. And you can start now too.

@paleobailey által megosztott bejegyzés,

A nővér nemcsak a testét, hanem az egész világszemléletét megváltoztatta. “Már mások a céljaim mint korábban, a hobbim is. Sokkal szorosabb viszonyt ápolok a barátaimmal és a családommal" - tette hozzá. Fogyását alaposan dokumentálta, hogy ezzel másoknak is lendületet biztosítson. 

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