
Esélye sem volt az életre, ma már kész hős a vak és süket kutya


Létrehozva: 2019.10.07.

Esélye sem volt az életre, ma már kész hős a vak és süket kutya

Mesébe illő fordulatot vett egy árva kiskutya élete, aki vakon és süketen született. A kölyökként rózsaszínű apróságnak nem sok esélye volt az életre, de miután Melissa Shapiro átgondolta a közös jövőjüket, és magához (valamint hat másik kutyája mellé) vette, minden megváltozott.

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Thank you to Greta Bjornson and People.com for publishing a beautiful article about Piglet this afternoon. We want to welcome many new friends who found Piglet via that article. I’ve received many questions about Piglet so here is a brief summary of Piglet, the deaf blind pink puppy. Scroll to see a few adorable pictures of Piggy and his pack. Piglet is a double dapple doxie chihuahua mix. He was born in a hoarding situation. When two dapple color patterned dogs breed there is a 25% chance each puppy will receive two dapple genes. This is called “double dapple” or double merle which is linked to congenital ear and eye defects. Piglet is deaf and blind. Piglet faces his challenges with a positive attitude. This is called a Piglet Mindset. He is an exceptional growth mindset model for children and adults. Our Piglet Mindset Educational Outreach Program is available on Piglet’s website for classroom use (free downloads). We are happy to support teachers who introduce Piglet to their students. We correspond via mail and email, send Piglet Merchandise, and visit when possible. Piglet is an animal welfare advocate. He encourages spay and neuter, educates about the severe consequences of double dapple breeding, and he encourages adoption of special needs pets. Our fundraising efforts have exceeded $30,000 which has all been donated to special needs dog rescues and other nonprofit organizations. Most of all, Piglet is an adorable, happy, entertaining tiny pink dog with a very positive attitude. He puts a smile on faces all around the world. Visit pinkpigletpuppy.org to learn more. And email with questions and inquiries. [email protected]. Keep an eye on Piggy’s stories this weekend as he will be in Columbus, Ohio participating in the Special K9 Games!! . . . #pinkpigletpuppy #deafdogsofinstagram #blinddogsofinstagram #rescuedogsofinstagram #doubledapple #animaladvocate #aspca #humanesociety #petinsider #tdafam #buzzfeedanimals

A post shared by Piglet, deaf blind pink puppy (@pinkpigletpuppy) on

A Piglet, azaz Malacka névre keresztelt tacskó és csivava keverék ma már hercegi életet él, mindemellett pedig igazán hasznos tagja lett a társadalomnak is, hiszen az ő segítségével ismertetik meg a gyerekkel az úgynevezett Malacka gondolkodást, ami segít nekik abban, hogy saját maguk legjobb verziói lehessenek.

A két és féléves mentett kutyus nehéz utat járt be, eleinte állandóan csak sírt, de hála a gondoskodó gazdijának, a rengeteg törődésnek ma már boldog életet él. Rajongói hálásak neki, ráadásul igen szép számmal is akadnak, az Instagramon 120 ezer követője van.

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“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” -Oscar Wilde . . Piglet visited the bank today. Instead of saying hi to his many friends there, he decided that we should do a tricks demo. He did his little tricks routine, got his treat, and was ready to leave. I apologized for his lack of friendliness bc after all, everyone wants to have a signature tail wagging Piglity greeting. Our bank friends understand and certainly are happy to see Piggy no matter what. The reality of Piglet is that while he is tiny, adorable, and has a hilarious sense of humor at times, he is also profoundly disabled and has a limit to how much he can process and do in certain situations. He is also consistently inconsistent. At times he can be the most engaging sweet little dog. At other times he just isn’t in the mood. Piglet offers a lesson in learning to accept and respect individuals for who they are. As we head into the new school year we are looking forward to hearing from teachers who are introducing Piglet Mindset to their students. Our Piglet Mindset Educational Outreach materials and lesson plans are available on Piglet’s website, pinkpigletpuppy.org. Email with questions and to let us know how you’re using The Piglet Mindset in your classroom. Have a happy holiday weekend! . . . #pinkpigletpuppy #pigletmindset #growthmindset🌱 #bekind #differentlyabled #disableddogs #dogswithdisabilities #acceptance #lookbutdonttouch #rescuedog #deafblind

A post shared by Piglet, deaf blind pink puppy (@pinkpigletpuppy) on


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