
Ánuszát napoztatva jobban alszik – állítja a modell 18+


Létrehozva: 2019.11.27.

A fiatal amerikai influenszer szokatlan fotókat oszt meg az Instagramján, de talán a magyarázat arra, hogy ezek a képek egyáltalán hogyan készülhettek el, még érdekesebb. A Metaphysical Meagan néven tevékenykedő nő életmódtanácsadóként határozza meg magát, a fényképei segítségével pedig próbálja praktikáit, termékeit népszerűsíteni.

A nő nemrég egy egészen bizarr fotót posztolt, amin meztelenül emeli az ég felé a lábait, hogy minél több napfény érje az ánuszát. Igen.

Elmondása szerint számos előnye van annak, ha így teszünk, hiszen 30 másodpercnyi ánusznapoztatás olyan, mintha reggeltől estig a napon lettünk volna ruhában. 

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☀️Perineum Sunning PART 2☀️ 🍑I was recently interviewed for an article on this, so I thought I’d share more: Perineum sunning is an ancient Taoist practice that originated in the Far East. In Taoism, the perenium or Hui Yin is called the “Gate of Life and Death.” This is a gateway where energy enters & exits the body. I first learned about perineum sunning through my studies of Taoism and Tantric practices. Mantak Chia speaks about this in his work, as does my friend @ra_of_earth . 🍑The benefits of perineum sunning include: 🌞 •It brings in prana or solar energy from the sun into the organs within the body which strengthens the organs. 🌞 •Perineum sunning prevents against the leakage of chi or life force energy from the body. This in turn sustains health & longevity of the physical body. •Increases creativity and creative output. •Aids in a healthy libido & balanced sexual energy. •30 seconds of sunlight on the perineum is equivalent to being in the sun all day with your clothes on. •It regulates the circadian rhythm and promotes deeper sleep. •Grounds and connects you to the Earth. •Increases your personal magnetism and amplifies the auric field. •Better focus & mental stimulation. •Regulates hormone function in the sex organs. ⚡️ 🍑My experience with perineum sunning has been profound. I have been practicing this for a few months now. I start my day with 5 minutes of perineum sunning & feel energized for hours. I no longer rely on coffee for energy to start my day because I am getting my energy from the sun. I also am experiencing better sleep and require less sleep due to boost of overall energy. • 🍑I would highly recommend this to anyone who is seeking optimal health & wellness and to those looking to connect with their sexual energy in a balanced way. • 🍑The main advice I have that this practice is meant to be done in the time of 30 seconds to 5 minutes MAX in the sun. 🌞 •‼️‼️THE INTENTION OF THIS IS NOT TO TAN YOUR BUTTHOLE‼️‼️ • 🌞 Sunscreen is not required & all you really need is 30 seconds of sun exposure. The ideal hours of the day to do this are between 7-9 am. #ButtholeSunning #SexualHealing #TaoistPractices

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A bejegyzésében egyébként még azzal is magyarázza a szokatlan hobbit, hogy a taoizmusban a gáttájékot az „élet és halál kapujának” is nevezik, itt lép be az energia a testbe, és itt hagyja el. Ezért különösen hatékony az ég felé terpesztés.

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🌞Perineum Sunning🌞 For the past few weeks I have included sunning my bum & yoni🌺 into my daily rising routine. • ☀️Many of you have been asking about the benefits of this practice: ⚡️30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on!⚡️ Taught by @ra_of_earth & @certifiedhealthnut (This is an ancient Taoist practice that’s been around for a while!) Things I’ve noticed personally In my reality since I’ve implemented this: 🌞Surges of energy almost immediately! 🌞Better Sleep 🌞Better connection to my Sexual energy & control of my Life Force⚡️ 🌞So much Creativity flowing through my life!!🧡 🌞Attracting my desires & intentions with ease. 🌞Attracting soul tribe & people who are on the same frequency and wavelength as me. • ☀️I’m spending a maximum of 5 minutes in the morning doing this. @ra_of_earth teaches that 30 seconds is more than enough sunshine exposure down there! ☕️This is truly more energizing than slamming cups of coffee and is a great alternative to consuming neurotoxic coffee & caffeine that can disrupt your adrenal gland health.☕️ 🌞This is such a simple game changing practice!! ⚡️Try it out & let me know your experience⚡️ ☀️You can do this any time the sun is out... I prefer early in the morning!☀️ #NakedInNature

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Igazi csodaszer tehát ez a módszer, megóvja a szerveinket, növeli a vonzerőnket, a koncentrációt, a kreativitást, kiegyensúlyozza a szexuális energiákat, segít a jobb alvásban... A felsorolás már-már véget nem érő, de talán mindenki úgy jár a legjobban, ha az önjelölt guru bölcsességeit meghagyjuk neki.

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🦋Healing Our Genetic Template🦋 🧬 Healing happens when we begin to communicate with our DNA. 🧬 Our DNA holds the blueprint or code for not only the expression & make up of the physical body, but also for the tangible experience of our reality. 🧬 If we wish to change both ourselves & our reality— it begins with the DNA. 🧬 Within our genetic coding lies something that scientists term as “junk” DNA. This junk DNA carries all of our ancestral lineage’s cellular memory, all of our experienced trauma, & all of our godlike gifts + abilities. 🧬 Changing our DNA is changing our cellular memory. 🧬 The act of programming our cellular memory is the act of reclaiming our SOVEREIGNTY & POWER. 🧬 Our physical environment, stress (or the lack of), the foods we consume, the water we drink, the media we feed into our ear & eye gates, our daily habits, thoughts, & patterns, and societal group programs all influence the way our genes are expressed through our cells. 🧬 The process of rewriting, reprogramming, and rewiring our genetic code is a multifaceted and multidimensional one. 🧬 The first step in this process is the recognition, acceptance, & innerstanding that we DO in fact possess the ability to take full sovereignty over our genetic template and body. #RememberYourDivinity #Sovereignty #AllHealingIsSelfHealing

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