
Elképesztő történet! Három év alatt 9 gyereke lett a fiatal párnak – fotók, videó


Létrehozva: 2020.10.18.

Mivel nem lehetett gyerekük, örökbe fogadtak négy testvért, majd megszületett első gyermekük, akit négyesikrek követtek. Hát nem hihetetlen történet?

Elképesztő történet! Három év alatt 9 gyereke lett a fiatal párnak – fotók, videó

Forgatókönyvírók sem tudnának kuszább történetet kitalálni, mint amilyen a pennsylvaniai fiatal pár élete. Bár először nem akart összejönni nekik a baba, három év alatt végül kilenc gyermekük lett.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

We dove in head first, without knowing how to swim. It felt like all we did was tread water for the first few months. Slowly, very slowly we began to learn one another, we got into a rhythm of things and it became second nature. Life was normal, or as normal as having 4 children in foster care could be. We had melted into a unit, we had become a family. Now don’t get me wrong, there were hard days where we went to bed wondering how we could go on. Days where I woke up asking for forgiveness and a second chance to be a better mother, but those days are far outnumbered by the good days, the days where I can’t wait to wake up and do it all again. YOU, you are the hero’s of this world. The silent soldiers who make this world a better place just by being in it. I am in awe of you. All of you. You have shown me what matters in this world. You have given me glasses so that I could see the world through a different lens. Unrelentingly beautiful souls who have persevered through the toughest of circumstances and come out surprisingly kind and trusting. The world needs more people like you in it. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I am eternally grateful for the joy you have brought into my life, the love you have shown me and the unimaginable strength you have displayed. I have had the most cherished honor of taking care of you, loving you and protecting you for the past two and a half years. It has changed me. You have made me better, in every way possible. Now I have the greatest honor of being your mama. You have given me the most meaningful and fulfilling role of my lifetime. Thank you for the forgiveness and grace you have shown me as I navigated my way through learning how to be a mother, for accepting me as I am, despite my flaws and for showing me that wishes and miracles aren’t only in the movies. You, all of you, you are magic.

Maxine (@maxinelee_y) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A 30 éves Maxine Young és férje a 32 éves Jacob Young 2016-ban házasodtak össze. Mindenképpen szerettek volna családot alapítani, de miután a baba többszöri próbálkozásra sem jött össze, négy gyereket örökbefogadtak, majd a nő váratlanul állapotos lett. Maxine végül 2018-ban egy angyali kisfiúnak adott életet. A boldog történet akár itt is véget érhetne, de a java csak ezután jött. Maxine újra terhes lett, ráadásul négyes ikreket várt. Bár az orvosok kételkedtek, hogy minden baba egészséges lesz, Maxinenak sikerült mind a négy gyermeket épségben a világra hozni.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

People have been asking us how we do it and the answer is always the same “We just do”. I think initially going from none to 4 made things easier and harder all at the same time. We don’t know what it’s like to have one baby, we jumped right in. Having a large family just works for us, we thrive with the busyness, the constant chatter, the constant chaos. With chaos comes lots of laughs, copious amounts of snuggles, more “I love you”s than I can count & an unbelievable amount of slobbery toddler kisses 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️. There are times when I look at people who have less children and think, that would be nice. Nice to be able to easily hop in the car and run errands with a babe or two, nice to not spend $200 on a baby sitter for a night out with my husband, nice to be able to travel, etc but then I look at my babies and I know, that nothing is better than this. Nothing can beat the love that has been multiplied over and over. I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it a million more I’m sure, I’m the luckiest girl alive. Nothing is more meaningful in this life than being their momma. Nothing. Thanks to Lolli and Pop for their adorable outfits! 😍 @lolliandpopshoppe #quads #quadruplets #quadrupletsofinstagram #mom #motherhood #momsofinstagram #babies #lotsofbabies #twins #triplets #newborns #newborn

Maxine (@maxinelee_y) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A gyerekek neve: Aiden, Parker, Connor, Elliot, Henry, Beck, Silas, Theo és Cecilia

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