
Durva: Tinderes szerelme miatt hagyott hátra mindent a csinos fiatal, végül rájött a sokkoló igazságra


Létrehozva: 2020.11.07.

Durva: Tinderes szerelme miatt hagyott hátra mindent a csinos fiatal, végül rájött a sokkoló igazságra

Forrás: AFP

A 27 éves Stephanie Gorton a Tinderen ismerkedett meg egy férfival, akit élete szerelmének gondolt, ám a románcnak hamar vége szakadt, amikor rájött, a férfi más lányokkal is ismerkedik

Mint egy álom, úgy indult Gorton szerelmi története, aki jól menő állását hagyta hátra ausztráliában, sőt a lakását is feladta, hogy 14 ezer kilométerrel odébb költözhessen Skóciában élő szerelméhez. Már az összepakolt dolgait is előreküldte a férfihez.

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Honestly, 2 years ago I didn’t think I was cut out for this 😳

I didn’t think I would ever fully earn my corporate income from my business 🙅🏼‍♀️
I didn’t think I’d ever scale a business to have a team, multiple locations & *gasps* procedures and systems 🤯
I didn’t think I could pull it off… Looking back I didn’t think much of myself at all💔
 Luckily I was surrounded by a few people who did. My first ever Coach & my amazing parter Tim were the first 2 people to say “girl, you’ve got this”. 
And so, I told myself I did too ❤️

Self belief is EVERYTHING 🙏🏼
 Deciding to back myself, step out of my comfort zone and DO THE DAMN THING has led me to this massive PINCH ME MOMENT… 

In the last quarter I have: 🔥Sold my first ever profitable badass business 💰Earned just shy of $100k (this quarter! 😭) 👯‍♀️Signed up Over 60 women to coaching courses + in the last 3 weeks I’ve signed 18 more incredible women to my new coaching course 📈Said YES to my biggest coaching investment to date ⏰ Worked less than 20 hours on average per week 🏡 Moved to our dream home

 I’m sharing this with you because I want you to know that its possible too ✔️

I didn’t have financial support to get here, I didn’t have entrepreneurial parents, I worked full time when I started my first business, I was living pay check to pay check and could barely afford to pay my website hosting fee’s 😟

Your current situation is NOT your final destination. 

Want a $10k month?… you got this girl. 
Want to quit your job? I promise you’re closer than you think. 
Looking for your next client? She’s out there looking for YOU too 🥰 I know right now it seems impossible, but if I can do it… so can YOU. And if you want to know how… 
Lets chat 📲 Dare to dream big beauty ✨ Happy Friday xx

Business Coach 🔥 (@stephgorton__) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Két héttel az indulás előtt azonban észrevette, hogy a kiszemeltje túl sok időt tölt egy másik nő társaságában. Gorton megszállottan elkezdte keresni a válaszokat, hogy mi történik.  

próbáltam elérni, de nem sikerült. Még az anyukájával is felvettem a kapcsolatot. Utólag végiggondolva voltlak jelek, hogy valami nem stimmel. Nem mintha tökéletes lett volna addig a kapcsolatunk, de imádtam. Azt hittem, hogy ez szerelem...

A fiatal nő szégyellte magát, hogy vissza kellett mennie a munakhelyére, hisz már boldogan beharagozta a nagy szerelmet, és hogy Skóciába költözik. Később azonban saját vállakozást nyitott, amivel dupla annyi pénzt keres mint addig, így a csalódás ellenére hosszú távon jól jött ki a kapcsolatból. 

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

PRO TIP FOR YOUR MONDAY ✨ SO many women come to me with the same problem... They can't seem to create consistent income. And honestly, I get it. It took me YEARS to figure out how to stabilise the flow of cash, create a full pipeline & confidently forecast & predict my income. It's now something I help women do right from the start of their business journey (something I wish I'd been able to do sooner!). Here’s my top 3 tips you can use in your biz to help you create consistent months erry damn month: 1. KNOW THE GOAL 💸 How much do you want to earn in a year? $100k, $200k, $1 million? Break that down into monthly & weekly amounts & start figuring out if the prices your charging & the business model you're running can actually get you there (p.s. YES you can earn a Million. Maybe not in the exact model you're running right now, but if you're willing to readjust & restructure then YES SIS you can 👏🏼) 2. SET KPI's 🎯 Yep, just like in your crappy day job you had when you were 22. You'll need to sell a certain amount of your products / services to reach your monthly $$ goal, how will you ever reach that figure if you don't know what it is?! 🤷🏼‍♀️ The more focus you have on the goal, the more often you'll find opportunities present themselves to help you get there! 3. FILL YOUR PIPELINE 🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏼‍♀️ Whats the average client life-cycle in your biz? Do you take clients on for 3 months at a time or 6 months? Do your clients tend to leave after 10 months? That's ok, there's no right or wrong... but you have to know so you can plan & prep to fill your pipeline. To keep that constant flow of clients. If you know your clients are going to leave every 6 months, then at around the 4 month mark you're going to want to turn up your marketing to start reaching new clients (or upsell the current clients - but I'll talk about this another day). We get so caught up working in our business, that sometimes these goal setting & planning tasks fall to the side. But its these EXACT tasks that will take you to you goals & beyond 😎 Save these tips for later and comment below your biggest takeaway... I'd love to know if you found this helpful! xx

Business Coach 🔥 (@stephgorton__) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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