
Évekig szenvedett, végül ezzel a 3 egyszerű módszerrel érte el az álomalakot a szexi tanárnő


Létrehozva: 2020.11.11.

Szinte már mindent kipróbált, mégsem volt elégedett az alakjával – mára azonban olyan lábai vannak, hogy azt a szupermodellek is megirigyelhetnék. A 43 éves asszony most megosztotta – nem is olyan bonyolult! – edzéstervét.

Évekig szenvedett, végül ezzel a 3 egyszerű módszerrel érte el az álomalakot a szexi tanárnő

Egy év alatt érte el álomalakját egy most 43 éves asszony, miután volt férje a fejéhez vágta: sosem lesz olyan alakja, amilyenre ő vágyott volna.

De mégis lett.

Az ausztrál testneveléstanár Belinda Norton hosszú ideig komoly edzéstervekkel és szigorú diétával próbálta magát formába hozni, ám egy idő után rájött: a keserves önsanyargatás és a folyamatos kalóriaszámlálás nem vezet sehová. Végül váltott – az új edzésmód pedig egy év alatt meghozta a várva várt eredményt. 

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Do you ever wish 'you knew then, what you know now'? What would you say? Would you speak kindly to her, Would you tell her every secret and ensure her she can do anything she puts her mind too. Would you shout ‘you define you!’ No other human defines you - But we sometimes forget that ...don’t we... ↪️See BLOG post for complete ‘20 life lessons to change your health rapidly - body and mind. 1. Stop postponing yourself- for a time when things free up. For when the kids are not so tiresome, for when your partner is at home, when you turn a certain age. Stop saying - who looks at me anyway? 2. Value your own thoughts & do not let others define who or what you need to be. (Even your best friends they have not experienced your learnings: be gracious and thank them but you must depend on you otherwise you will remain stuck in uncertainty) 3. Listen to how your body feels from food. Feel it process in your system understand it’s affects. Focus on nourishing your blood. 4. Move more daily; every opportunity ensure you can move your body. Take active breaks; stretch; twist; touch your toes; take the stairs; walk; lunge - move. 5. Take time to nourish your brain with positivity - write yourself a letter 6. Everyone in the house eats the same food. All quality produce. 7. Speak only positivities about your body especially in front of your children. For those wondering; I love my body in both pictures every difference. It was however not healthy. I was uncomfortable, uncertain, fearful and immobile - it was causing alignment issues in my back; hips and knees as my body struggled to stabilise so I changed them and ALL by completing these 20 habit changers. It’s possible! This image is me on the weekend - POST/COVID & I truly only followed my ↪️b.bodyboost program and this is the result since 2013 and this is how I’ve changed my health and mindset for the better. Stop postponing you - it’s time. *Click to www.blivewear.com my ebook - B.BODYBOOST is ONLY $5.95 - cheaper than some coffee’s b.x #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercise #foodie #bloodtype #covid #bbodyboost

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Belinda nem csak alakjának változását dokumentálja rendszeresen Insta-oldalán, de megosztotta azt a 3 egyszerű tippet, amit bárki követhet, aki hozzá hasonló alakra vágyik.

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The fact is this is not a transformation photo of physical characteristics even though I know it will be judged as BEFORE and AFTER . (Cue - hate mail; cue fat is fabulous ...body shaming of all types etc) but thank you to those who comment who seek to understand and can be open to all differences. Ahh Maturity 🙏🏽 This is a photo of confidence characteristics & of internal health; posture; and mental wellness because I cannot cut myself open so you can see the truth. If I could - I would. ↪️I would share the absolute fear I had of success, the shame I held for giving up; I would share my mum guilt and hurt, I would share my traditional upbringing that we 70’s women had to quickly adapt to in a new world of thinking. I would share my personal uncertainty of how I could fit in a life around two kids and working full time as I had to work. I would share my fear of my husband cheating again, I would share my internal fight. I would endure the embarrassment of everyone knowing of the deceit. But could it be seen? No - because we hide that good stuff deep inside. We don’t want to share that. ▪️So here goes .. 29 years old vs 43 years old What changed? a lot! A lot in the society, a lot in relationships, a lot in media and a lot in me. The most important change is my confidence in my body & mind was getting up every day happy, energised, vibrant, going to the bathroom daily (to do number two) regularly and my mobility (zero pain from back/hip/knee or skin issues from eczema) ↪️It was ONLY five things I changed: Read the full details - www.blivewear.com ↪️But the key fact is: I'm the healthiest I've ever been- from the inside out. Why... because I chose to find my best health in the right food for me and the right fitness. It is not magic; it is not photoshop; it just me b. raw real & blissfully happy. b.x ↪️The full blog - ▪️The Raw and Real Transformation - click in bio - www.blivewear.com #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercises

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A tökéletes alak titka

1.Változatos kardió minden nap

Belinda Norton szerint a legjobb, ha minden egyes nap futunk vagy sétálunk. Ne ugyanazt csináljuk mindig, legyen a kardiózás is változatos, és ami rendkívül fontos: alaposan nyújtsunk előtte! 

2.Nem mindegy, milyen gyakorlatokat végzünk!

A tanárnő azt javasolja, ha a lábunkat szeretnénk formálni, akkor kifejezetten láb-specifikus edzéstervet, lábra fókuszáló gyakorlatokat végezzünk – azaz ne elégedjünk meg a sztenderd gyakorlatokkal, amik "egyébként a lábizmokat is megdolgoztatják"!

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‘Learn to love every single unique and beautiful line of your body. Embrace the changes, encourage the differences and own it with individuality’ b.x If I’m to be rawly honest I’ve had a few struggles with my body this year. From parasites 🦠, to 15cm fin chop surfing injury, to skin issues, teeth grinding, pre-menopause and personal mindset growth. (We all have glitches no person is immune) I’ve had to review my entire personal mindset of my body - as my body is my business. I’ve had to overcome my expectations and learn to genuinely love who I am for more than what I thought others loved me for. I had to find a real & mature balance. A pure strength and unwavering independence. I had to embrace my age and experiences with totality; I had to step away from many things & people that were toxic to my mind which was becoming reflective in my body. But the biggest thing I had to fix was - Removing the voice of playing catch up with myself. Taking a realisation that each day is a pinnacle ... because the most important thing is standing healthy here today. b.x ✨ #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #yoga #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercise #foodie #homewor

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3.Telefonnal nem lehet edzeni

Alighanem a legfontosabb tanács, amit BElinda megosztott: a telefonunkat babrálva nem lehet edzeni! Amikor a testünket formáljuk, teljes figyelmünket arra fordítsuk és ne kalandozzunk el minden irányba! Az okostelefonok könnyedén elvonhatják a figyelmünket – feledkezzünk meg róluk, amíg a gyakorlatokat végezzük!

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‘Blow your own gawd dam mind’ b.x If there is one image to describe this week; this is it! It was a week of fear breaking first; with days where I questioned if I was dreaming even if I was still alive; where the places I saw and the moments continued to appear overcoming fears. It was an unraveling of astounding opportunities and the only difference was - I simply believed it would; I could and just did. I banked on myself to be ok. To be honest I even gave myself a few uppercuts amongst it all. This is where my impatience or expectations flared up again. These two personalities traits are my downfalls. However, once I acknowledged it things just open up or resolve then continue into a positive path. I did have a day where my comfort level affected my confidence and I wanted to give up. Honestly, I nearly came back to safe zone of home. But this is where I took a long walk.. and accepted it was my ‘fear factor’ card. We all hold a ‘personal card’ that gives us this option to give into ourselves. What is yours? Write below - say it, speak it, acknowledgement and acceptance this is the beginning of overcoming anything holding you back. Sending you my ‘encouragement card’ because this week I want you to succeed for you ✨b.x #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercise #foodie #homeworkout #author #cairns #discoverqueensland #boating

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After years of holding it together this Mother’s Day morning I broke. It all started when I overheard the delightful, loving family next door preparing their Mum breakfast. Hearing the laughter; singing; the hiding to surprise their Mum. This is when my heart broke. I should not feel like this - why am I crying into my cup of tea? You see we don’t often talk about this. Single Mamas will put on their brave face so in reading this please be kind. Please take a small moment to comprehend. Dear Single Mama, Mother’s Day is an awkward day for you. Without a husband, without a partner, who will pamper you, encourage your children to let you sleep in, make you breakfast, and organise gifts. So for Mother’s Day this year, I want to gently, thoughtfully say, you are not alone. Even if you have absolutely no help. Even if you have been a widow since your child was a baby. Even if your children’s father left you without any involvement on his part. Even if it was infidelity, Or safety due to domestic violence. You are not alone. You deserve these things as much as any other Mother. There may also a part of you that feels bad for your children on Mother’s Day. You wish they had someone to help them with the gift they dream of giving you. You worry that your sons might grow up not really knowing how to care for their wives, or that your daughters won’t know how to accept their husbands’ care. Mama, we see you taking on the intense pressure of responsibility. In all you provide, nurture, care for, teach, discipline — it feels like there is no safe place to just be. Being a single mum can be crushing. I know Mama you woke up alone; hoping the kids remembered. Hoping a card or note was waiting. Hoping a thought was had for everything that you’d fought to change, to fix or alter for those babies. I know you pray it will be remembered or appreciated one day.↪️If you are doing it alone on Mother’s Day, I see you; I feel you and I understand you on this day. Another year that you did it all for you & for your kids. Big love to all- soon to be Mums, step Mums, can’t be a mum or fur baby Mums ✨b.x #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #motherhood

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