
Rémisztő videó: így rándult görcsbe a bedrogozott tini teste – órákig képtelen volt megmozdulni


Létrehozva: 2021.08.04.

Édesanyja osztotta meg a fiatal lányról készült vérfagyasztó felvételt.

Rémisztő videó: így rándult görcsbe a bedrogozott tini teste – órákig képtelen volt megmozdulni

Alighanem minden szülő egyik legszörnyűbb rémálmát élte át az az asszony, akit azzal hívtak fel az egyik este: lányát görcsölve, beszédképtelen állapotban szállították kórházba egy klubból.

Az Essexben élő Claire Taplin úgy határozott: nyilvánosságra hozza a 18 éves lányáról készült videót, mert – mint mondja – ha csak egy fiatalt is megmenthet attól, hogy hasonlót éljen át, már megérte.

18-Year-Old Girl Reportedly Has Drink Spiked

A mum is warning parents and nightclub goers after her daughter was allegedly “spiked” in a Southend venue, causing her to be rushed to hospital in this shocking state. 18-year-old Millie Taplin was enjoying her first night out in Southend since turning 18 when the disturbing incident happened. Millie was with some friends in the Moo Moo nightclub and had only had a few drinks. But after accepting a drink from a man she had been talking to, she felt sick very quickly and then became unable to speak or walk. Millie said: “I had a couple of sips, not a lot because it was a strong drink and I don’t like strong drinks! I went back out to the smoking area with my friends and went back in about 10 minutes later. That’s when I started to feel a bit sick. I started to feel really hot so I told my friends I need to go outside get some fresh air. “I was sick in the alleyway opposite and that’s when I couldn’t see properly, I couldn’t feel my hands. I knew that I wasn’t right, I was trying to speak and was stuttering and mumbling. My friends then phoned my sister and I had to be carried to the car and taken to A&E.” Millie’s mum Claire said: “She was lucky to have amazing friends that got her to hospital as if they hadn’t the outcome would have been completely different. It was the most disturbing sight of my daughter I have ever seen. We do not want anyone else to go through it.“The hospital said that it looked like two different drugs had been used. We want to share this to educate young girls or anyone really. If it saves just one person from this horrendous act then it was worth sharing this. “The club manager was very good. He phoned me to get details and said he will contact the police and we already had phoned them. I’m sharing this for awareness, not to blame or tarnish the club’s reputation.” Millie added: “I wouldn’t wish the feeling upon anyone at all, I’ve never been so scared in my life. I am thinking twice about going out now, it’s a shame because no one should have to feel like that!”----------------A spokesperson for MooMoo Nightclub said: “We urge all customers to be present when their drink is ordered and that they do not leave it unattended. The alleged drink spiked appears to have been accepted from a person known to the lady affected and whilst it was not reported to us at the time, we are assisting the police who are dealing with the matter.”----------------Essex Police say that it can take only minutes for someone to feel the effects of a spiked drink. Their advice states: “The best way to protect yourself and your friends from being spiked is to be aware of what you consume and never take a drink that you haven’t seen being prepared in front of you. Never leave your drink unattended, even for a moment, and if it doesn’t taste right, don’t finish it.“If you or your friends start to feel strange or unwell then you should get help and seek medical advice straight away. When you go out for an evening you never know who you’re going to meet, so always keep your wits about you. If someone appears to be over-friendly and eager to get you to drink, be vigilant.” A Freedom of Information request, published by Essex Police, revealed that there were nearly 200 drink spiking incidents reported between 2016 and 2020.The report says: “There are many different reasons why a drink may be spiked from a ‘prank’ to an intended robbery or sexual assault. Whilst a large number of people do report this, it is believed that many more cases may go unreported, due to either memory loss or embarrassment.”

Posted by Your Southend on Monday, August 2, 2021

Claire lánya, Millie először járt ment el egy éjszakai klubba, miután nagykorú lett. Négy barátjával közösen indultak el, a bárban pedig egy ismerős társaság egyik férfitagja adott neki egy vodkás limonádét, mondván: kóstolja meg.

Öt-tíz perccel később kezdett rosszullenni, hamarosan pedig mentőt kellett hozzá hívni. 

This is what being spiked looks like please be careful when out , my daughter was lucky she had good friends that acted accordingly. Share this post make people aware x

Közzétette: Claire Taplin – 2021. augusztus 1., vasárnap

Kétségtelen, hogy a fiatal lány italába a férfi valamilyen randidrogot ejtett.

Millie órákig görcsölt, szinte megszállott állapotban volt, mozgásra, beszédre képtelenül, karomszerűen begörbített kezekkel.

Mint később elmondta: mindennel tisztában volt, ami körülötte történik, de mintha elvágták volna a testétől, ami nagyon megrémítette.

– Fejben jelen voltam, de testben nem. Soha nem éreztem ilyet. Az orvosok nagyon támogatóak voltak, igyekeztek megnyugtatni. Nagyon féltem. Soha nem akarom ezt újra átélni. Szörnyű volt – mesélte később a tinilány.

A Daily Star jelentése szerint Millie édesanyja feljelentést tett, a hatóságok pedig megkezdték az ügy kivizsgálását, ám eddig még senkit sem vettek őrizetbe.

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