
Félmeztelenül sodorta el az ár a világ egyik legszexibb modelljét - videó


Létrehozva: 2018.02.14.

Félmeztelenül sodorta el az ár a világ egyik legszexibb modelljét - videó

Kate Upton a SportIllustrated magazin fotózásán vett részt még tavaly októberben Arubán, amikor rosszul ítélte meg egy közeledő hullám méretét. Míg a félmeztelenül pózoló modell nem ijedt meg a víztömeg láttán, a stáb egyik tagja azonnal odaugrott, hogy még időben segítsen, ám igyekezete ellenére az ár elsodorta a csodaszép brit modellt, aki később jöt nevetett az egészen.

Topless Kate Upton swept off jagged rock by huge wave during SI Swim shoot #FACTS FEB. 14, 2018. Mother nature was not on model #KateUpton side during the photo shoot for the 2018 #SportsIllustrated Swimsuit edition. In a clip shared by the organization, the star can be seen taking a nasty tumble off a rock after a #wave hits her. #Upton who has graced the cover of the #SISwimsuit edition three times in the past, will appear in the latest issue. However, it is no doubt her toughest year yet. In the video, posted to the organization's official Instagram account, Upton can be seen posing atop a rock with ocean waves crashing behind her. The star is only wearing a skin-tone #bikini bottom and an accompanying skirt. “I really saw the vision for the photo, but as I climbed on the rock I did look down and was like ‘this is going to end badly,’” she told SI.com in an interview about the moment. “I felt like I was laughing in the face of death.” Moments into the #video someone can be seen running up the rock to grab her hand as a large wave comes crashing in from behind them. The force is strong enough to take the 25-year-old #supermodel off her feet and send her tumbling into the water below. From behind the camera, the crew frantically yells expletives as they rush to her aid. Fortunately, despite the rough-looking fall, Upton appears to be OK and laughs off the event soon after. #NINFONETWORK #FOODNINFO #ENTERTAINMENTNINFO #VEHICLENINFO #BUZZFEED #HUFFPOSTGRAM #NYC #LA #HOLLYWOOD #TMZ #FAMOUS #ENEWS #OMAGAZINE #DAILYMAIL #LONDON #COSMOPOLITAN #VANITYFAIR #VOGUE

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